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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New York Alexander Calder, part. I

Remember my post in 2009 of " The Man", a famous piece of
art in Montréal, designed for the EXPO '67? This guy, A.Calder,
inspires me so much since I first saw "The Man"
and recently a docu on him.

Engineer and inventer of the "mobilé" - a must see for me on Monday
@ Moma, NYC. Many visitors miss him as both (!) mobilés are
located above the stairways where U usually dont pay attention
to the interieur.

The most inspiring moment of those master works are without
doubt the based equations Calder mastered perfectly in order
to ensure a precisely stabeled and balanced, slightly turning
around mobilé. wow.

The third picture is kind of a copy in the same style as
many of his works, i.e. for instance also the steel sculpture
in front of the NEUE NATIONALGALERIE in Berlin.

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