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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Victor Alföldy - a genius ?

My friend Victor Alföldy, born in what is
now Rumania and former Hungary, writer
of books nobody understands, lived 20 years
in libraries - ...
At the age of 4 the German Wehrmacht brought
 him and his mother on a small wagon to a safer place
 ( safe ment less russians..). He is the only living fellow
 of my friends who is able to talk about the war as his own experience,
and teached me a lot about German History.
One of his favourite stories tells about the poet Petöfy,
who crossed the bridge of Budapest during fog
and was never seen again: That s why the Hungarians
say ".. gone like Petöfy!" and I was always wondering
if I could die the same way , on the bridge between Buda
and Pest. Long Live my fellow Alföldy, who hates to be
called other than by the last name.
  I am looking forward to see him soon.

picture taken in 2004 by radioflo
ps: he is looking for a student composing his book in LateX, contact me.

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