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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Living in THE spot of bremen from this week on!

> found a lovely Wohngemeinschaft in Bremen's Viertel,
> THE spot to live here,
> ouuh , happy and looking forward to meet the
> requirements they have, as cleaning each week;)
> my first collocation since a veery long time. glad.
compare to this post from 2009 and click on the pics below.

click to 2009

Saturday, May 28, 2011

University of Bremen, Germany: a socialist camp?

The impressions I share with you are captured at the
 University of Bremen,
my host for a couple of month and home to the most
left / socialist student association ever observed in my
academic life. Liberté, Egalité is sprayed in big letters
to the walls of the 68 style building, of which the inner
yard is depicted in this blog entry. destroy what is
destroying you. western bombs are destroying
the libanon? yes, those are current patterns
used in the elections for the student association,
the very German institution of the AStA. groups who
are proposing themselves to be elected are mostly
directly linked to a German major party also member
of parliament, thus, students are getting very close to
politics during their students, if they want or not..

Thursday, May 26, 2011

dut - Device under test

This pic shows the optical measurements of my LTCC antenna device
at the University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In der Wiege des Bieres,... und der Belgier!

Am Fluss , der Weser, wunderschön zentral, der Bedeutung des
Bieres angemessen liegt in Bremen die Becks Brauerei. Der Bremer
säuft nur Haacke habe ich mir sagen lassen aber aus der gleichen
Familie : Beck! seit einigen Jahren gehört der betrieb den Belgiern
und damit wahrscheinlich auch der wunderschöne Klinkerbau
an der Weser,... ich werde mich dran erinnern wenn ich ueberall
auf der Welt und natuerlich naechste Woche in Berlin zur gruenen
Einheitsflasche greife...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fußmaschinenrock on tour

First pic: montreal Parc fontaine, Recording PO!
Second : fannie recording at paris Gambetta

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Father Rhine

In a very famous poeme, the German poete Heinrich Heine crosses the river, our river, our shared river Rhine, which separates France from Germany since Napoleon ( with a few dramatic exceptions before WW1...) , and starts chatting with him.
While I was crossing the river near Mulhouse coming from France a few days ago , I greeted him, we had a short briefing,..but I wasn't hesitating a minute to long to jump into what we have to defend from the frog eaters! :)
"welcome back" he was answering in a very clear warm 15 degree response .

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A380 in Montreal ready for boarding

ready for leaving for summer. ready to see u, my so beloved youth used friendship circles, in France and Germany, and ready for exciting new north German atmosphere ,

I want fish! 

Discover the so called 'viertel' in Bremen. I want to write my main article for the one layer traveling wave antenna and make significant steps ahead for the nxt second antenna, which should conclude the doctorate in 2012. see u , as in 2009, on my tour across your biergartens and neighbourhoods. shed tears in montreal, august of national parks and fishing scheduled, I am doing so well while boarding the big fat bird on the picture above, thank u.

Monday, May 2, 2011

US Design meets Canada: General Electric
in the 80s as its best. Seen in QC, spread
all over the continent in a time where
Asia was delivering pepper and curry,..
and no phones.
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Ten years ride - bike dead ;(((

Yes - I am crazy, yes I am showing 100 pics of my bycycle, yes.
Ten years and no month longer - yesterday night the frame
 of my Mannesmann made in Germany bike broke.
Very sad. France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland,
Canada , USA, Poland, Belgium. Supposed to go back to
Europe for the summer, it will now find its way to my
appartement wall - until I move out. ;(((
Fathers gift in 2001 -
thx dad so much for enriching my life! ;(