Picture Links

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Carmen - Jägermeister and Hand Soap Haircut..

photo & hair : radiflo (nokia 5800 sorry for low Q)

My antenna fabricated!!

First picture of my millimeter wave antenna, well a composition of 36 antennas on one wafer.
Look at the picture full of gold and intellectual beauties. Happy like no one else.

Your candidate.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fukushima sushi

Go nipping go. As soon as it is possible we will visit u. "Buy america" say the Americans. "Buy Japan!" from uniqlo to subaru to my local dressed dealer. Nothing more than supporting the fanciest and innovative country in the world. Keep ur strong relations to Germany, stop nuclear power plants as we do. See u in beppu. Flo
Sushi: Flo

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sunny squirrel

Printemps in montreal. The squirrels are five blocks away from the park, municipal authorities think about cleaning the roads and liberate us from all the salt they throw to our trottoirs the Long Winter Long. Still st Laurent remains partly frozen to a moon surface and the snow mountain the city creates each year ( Of the snow they don't throw into the river....) remains, until august!

[drawing: flo]

V i d e o : backcountry bigger jay, cut.1

In the back: big jay!
Follow the video here
Blick vom big jay auf jay peak.

Back country trip to big jay, VT, USA. Report and video follows.

Outrement Architecture

Outrement, Home to the rich and or jews, close to the mountain, a decent place to live , offers some architectural insights of the sixties,..

